Field |
Type |
Notes |
Ins_ID |
int |
ID field, a counter. Unique |
InsCode |
varchar(50) |
Enter a unique insurance code. |
Ins_Name |
varchar(50) |
Name for this insurance. |
Policy_Mask |
varchar(50) |
Mask character value(s) for the policy number entered. Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter allowed value combinations separated by pipes. Allowed values: * = any character # = numeric character @ = Text character IE: |@@####|######| Allows for the definition of multiple edit masks for each insurance code. |
Group_Mask |
varchar(50) |
Edit mask for the group number entered on the demographic screen. Enter an edit mask using allowed values. Allowed values: # = numeric character @ = Text character |
Type |
varchar(5) |
Informational Site-specific use, not used by FAST |
DisplayKey |
varchar(80) |
Informational Site-specific use, not used by FAST |
UseABN |
int |
Indicates if ABN and medical necessity rules will apply when this insurance is selected for a patient on the demographic screen. Enter 0, 1, or skip this entry 0 or skip this entry = no medical necessity rules apply 1 = medical necessity rules apply |
UseMSP |
int |
Indicates if MSP rules apply. Enter 0, 1, or skip this entry 0 or skip this entry = no MSP rules apply 1 = MSP rules apply |
UseReferral |
int |
Indicates if this insurance code requires a referral ID. Enter 0, 1, or skip this entry 0 or skip this entry = no referral required 1 = referral is required Causes the system to activate the referral screen in an order. |
ReviewCarrier |
varchar(50) |
Carrier code this insurance code is associated with for medical necessity rules. Reflected in the FO_CPTReview table. |
ReviewCPTs |
varchar(8000) |
Defines CPT codes checked for medical necessity rules for this insurance code. Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter valid CPT codes separated by pipes. The system uses this list to speed medical necessity rules by only checking the CPT codes in the list for cross reference in the FO_CPTReview table. |
RequiredFields |
varchar(300) |
Defines list of insurance related fields that are required fields, if present. Enter single characters from the allowed values. Allowed values: P = policy number, also makes the relationship field mandatory G = insurance group number I = ICD / Diagnosis IE: PG makes the policy, relationship and group fields required fields |
UserName |
varchar(50) |
Name of user who last edited the record. Informational |
CreateDate |
datetime |
Date record was created. Informational |
FINSystemChargeTo |
varchar(50) |
Default financial system charge to. Enter a financial system charge to. |
BillPatient |
bit |
Bit flag to determine if the system assumes that a patient may be billed. Enter 0 or 1 0 = do not intend to bill patient 1 = bill patient If the patient should be billed, a transaction should be sent to the FIN system. |
EditDate |
datetime |
Date record was last edited. Informational |
AutoVerify |
varchar(50) |
Indicates to the system that when this insurance is picked as primary on the patient demographic screen, the system may auto verify the patient. Enter 0, 1, or skip this entry 0 or skip this entry = do not auto verify patient 1 = auto verify patient User must have permission autoverbyins1 for system to auto verify. |
Ins_Rank |
varchar(50) |
Determines the ranking of the insurance when a search for insurances is performed on the patient demographic screen. Skip this entry = any spot Enter an allowed value. Allowed values: PRIMARY = for primary spot only SECONDARY = for secondary and tertiary spot If SECONDARY, the system only allows the user to use it in the secondary or tertiary spots of the patient demographic screen. |
Ins_User_Assignement |
varchar(255) |
Defines the user group(s) who can search for this insurance code. Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter valid user group codes separated by pipes. |
ClientsPerfLabAssignement |
varchar(500) |
Enter |ALL| Do NOT change without Rhodesapproval. This is not the same as the 'C-' portion of performing lab rules definition. |
MedNecessityFormCodes |
varchar(255) |
Defines a list of medical necessity (ABN) related forms available when the ABN button on the order screen is clicked. Skip this field to default to |ABNENGLISH|ABNSPANISH|
Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter allowed values separated by pipes. Allowed values: ABNENGLISH ABNSPANISH BLANKABNENGLISH BLANKABNSPANISH GENERICENGLISH GENERICSPANISH BLANKGENERICENGLISH BLANKGENERICSPANISH To use custom forms, enter 'FC =' followed by FO_MedicalNecessity_Form_Definition.FormCode |
LabPopup |
varchar(80) |
Text message presented to a lab user when this insurance code is selected on the patient demographic screen. |
ClientPopup |
varchar(80) |
Text message that is presented to a client user when this insurance code is selected on the patient demographic screen. |
NotPrimaryIfPolicyStartsWith |
varchar(50) |
Defines policy number starting character(s) that cause a warning to be displayed. The warning is displayed if an insurance code is selected and the policy number entered starts with this (these) character(s). Enter the policy number starting character(s). |
DiagCodingMethod |
varchar(50) |
Enter valid diagnosis coding method, 9 or 10, for this insurance. Value is referenced for Medical Necessity Rules. |
BillFeeSchedule |
varchar(80) |
Default fee schedule code for this insurance when designated as the primary insurance. Enter a valid fee schedule code. |
BillingOption |
varchar(80) |
Default billing option code for the default fee schedule code for this insurance when designated as the primary insurance. Enter a valid billing option code. |
HRAFormCode |
varchar(50) |
Default form code to use for health forms for this insurance. Enter a valid form code. >>> NEED to Check Definition <<< |
HRAFormFrequencyInDays |
bigint |
Number of days between HRA form collections. Enter an integer as the number of days. >>> NEED to Check Definition <<< |
Definitions of valid MedNecessityFormCodes for the Medicare ABN form:
ABNENGLISH = English form
BLANKABNENGLISH = Blank English form
ABNSPANISH = Spanish form
BLANKABNSPANISH = Blank Spanish form
GENERICENGLISH = Generic English form
BLANKGENERICENGLISH = Blank Generic English form
GENERICSPANISH = Generic Spanish form
BLANKGENERICSPANISH = Blank Generic Spanish form